A few days ago I tried pot for the first time. It wasn’t that great. In fact there was nothing good about it. I really don’t like the smell of pot so that is the first thing that made it unenjoyable. I used a vaporizer and supposedly that is not as harsh as smoking it, but it still irritated my throat. I took about 4 hits in five minutes. Afterward it felt like there was something caught in my throat and I could not take a deep breath without coughing, kind of like having a bad cold. Luckily that wore off in a few minutes. After a little while I still didn’t notice any affects so I went back to watching a funny show that I had been watching. While I was sitting there I slowly started to notice its effects on me.
I mainly felt lethargic and felt like I did not want to move
at all. I also started to have trouble
focusing on the show I was watching. All I could think about was how it was
effecting me. The weird part was that even when I was able to pay attention to
the show and a funny part happened, I couldn’t laugh. I knew that it was funny,
but for some reason my emotions were just flat. It was kind of like I couldn’t
even show any emotions at all. It seemed like my face muscles became super relaxed
and almost numb. I didn’t even want to talk. My sister asked me a question and
it seemed like an effort to answer her.
I also kept tasting the nasty pot taste in my mouth and the whole time I
just wanted to go brush my teeth.
A little later I started to feel hypoglycemic so I got up to
eat something. Compounded with being high, I started to feel really lightheaded
and dizzy and realized I was gonna faint. I sat down really quick right in
front of refrigerator with the door still open. I stayed like that for a little
while trying to decide if I should ask my sister for help or not (I didn’t want
her to think I was a wimp). I finally decide to. She got me some soda and some
crackers and I just sat there for about a half hour stuffing my face until I
felt like I had the energy to get up. It
was kind of weird because I felt super hypoglycemic even though I wasn’t. At
that point the pot had mostly worn off and I started to feel normal again.
This experience was disappointing. I was expecting to feel
good, but it just made me feel sleepy and drained. I was especially
anticipating to have my mind opened or something, but it just made it difficult
to focus and dulled my emotions. Also considering the uncomfortableness of
inhaling it and the disgusting taste, I don’t see myself ever getting into recreational
marijuana. Also I don’t recommend
getting low when you’re high.